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Student Services

If you’re healthy, safe, and spiritually and socially satisfied, take it from us, it’s going to be much easier to learn.

Career Works

Career Works can help you with internship searches, resume writing, career and major exploration, and interviewing skills. Career Works also offers workshops and career fairs throughout the year.

Health and Wellness

No matter how rigorous your health regimen, everyone is bound to get sick at some point, which is why the Health and Wellness Center is conveniently located on campus, directed by the campus nurse and frequented by nurse practitioners. Short-term counseling is also available through the Health and Wellness Center.

Student Success, Equity and Community

Providing targeted, asset-based programming to ensure all students have an equitable, inclusive space and place to live and learn at Beloit College. The office also houses all three Beloit College federally funded TRIO Programs, Student Excellence and Leadership (SEL), Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaurete Achievement Program and Upward Bound, as well as the state- and college-funded Help Yourself Programs. TRIO programs offer support for students who meet certain criteria.

Student Engagement and Leadership

The Student Engagement and Leadership Office offers workshops, resources, materials, and guidance for clubs and their leaders, whether it involves programming or funding or anything in between. Need to get off campus? They plan regular excursions to Beloit (Wednesday Night Errands) and beyond (trips to Madison, Chicago.)

Tutoring and Academic Support

From tutoring to time management to helpful podcasts to support for students with disabilities, the office offers individual support and a number of workshops throughout the semester. The office is located on the second floor of Pearsons Hall. Staff can be reached at (608) 363-2572.

Writing Works

When you’re at Beloit, you can expect to be writing. Non-stop. Even the most seasoned scribes need someone to proof their work and tighten up a term paper, and the peer tutors at Writing Works can do just that.

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